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Descopera genti dama online la reduceri de sfarsit de sezon, genti piele naturala la reduceri promotionale pentru fidelizare sau discounturi la bratari handmade.

Nu rata oferta, fie ca este vorba despre genti dama, genti barbatesti, serviete, rucsacuri, curele sau bratari!

Nu trebuie sa ne ferim. Ne plac reducerile. Tuturor ne plac preturile mai mici decat cele standard. Ne simtim bine daca stim ca am economisit cat de putin. Iar cum ne plac si gentile, este absolut normal sa ne dorim sa cumparam genti la preturi reduse, iar de economia facuta sa ne mai putem achizitiona si altceva.

Fie la sfarsit de sezon sau la sfarsit de colectie, fiecare magazin, online sau fizic isi prezinta oferta de produse reduse. Produse pe care ti le doresti de ceva timp, dar pentru care inca nu ai reusit sa strangi inca suma necesara de bani, cadoul mult-dorit pe care tot voiai sa il cumperi pentru cineva drag, dar care totusi depasea bugetul alocat.

Produsele aflate la reduceri in cadrul magazinului online, fie ca sunt reduceri genti dama , reduceri genti barbati sau reduceri bratari piele sunt in stare perfecta de functionare, fara defecte si pastreaza aceeasi calitate superioara pe care ne-am asumat sa o livram tuturor clientilor nostri.

Cumparati cu incredere produsele reduse si bucurati-va de aceste minunate accesorii la preturi convenabile pentru orice buzunar.

Cum poti beneficia cu adevarat de reduceri? E simplu, cumperi de pe un magazin online. In primul rand, in mediul online preturile sunt oricum mai mici. Acestea au costuri mai mici dintr-un punct de vedere, nu au nevoie de consilieri de vanzari, dar au oameni in spate, precum programatori sau designeri web. Cu toate acestea, mentin preturile un pic mai jos fata de magazinele fizice. Iar in cadrul unei campanii promotionale, preturile, asa cum e si normal, vor fi si mai jos.

Nu poti intra in fiecare zi pe magazinul online respectiv, dar tot poti primi cele mai importante reduceri de pret la produsele dorite. Cum? Din nou, e mult mai simplu decat la un magazin fizic. Cel mai simplu mod este sa te abonezi la newsletter, iar ori de cate ori magazinul online va trimite un mail cu promotiile active de pe site, vei fi si tu instiintata la timp. E mult mai simplu, pentru ca pe mail oricum intri mult mai des sau poate ca esti conectata non-stop.

Nu esti permanent pe mail, dar stai destul de mult pe facebook? Inca o posibilitate ca reducerile importante, promotiile care te intereseaza, sa ajunga in fata ochilor tai. Dupa ce dai un like paginii de facebook, te si poti abona la postarile magazinului online, astfel ca orice status plasat de acestia sa-ti fie si notificat de catre site-ul de socializare.

E mult mai simplu sa intri in posesia reducerilor unui magazin online, e nevoie doar de cateva click-uri si batai de taste.

When you sign up for a specific newsletter, we (KARINE) add your email address to a corresponding mailing list. While it is there, we know that we can contact you by email regarding that topic.

You can always have your email address removed from our mailing lists. There are multiple ways to do it:

We may use a third-party email service (MailChimp and/or Mad Mimi) to send newsletters. Some members of our staff can view mailing lists with email addresses. That way they’ll be able to remove your email address from the mailing list, should you request us to do so.

Please note that mailing lists are independent from each other. If you decide not to receive newsletters at all, you’ll have to unsubscribe from all the mailing lists. Even if you do that, you’ll still receive account-related emails (such as order status notifications, password reset emails, and more). It is essential for operating an online store.

If you decide that you no longer want to use our store and would like to have your personal data removed from our database (or if you’d like to get all the personal data associated with your account that we have), please send an email to

If you believe that your personal data has been misused, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. We’re obliged by EU General Data Protection Regulation to let you know about this right; we don’t actually intend to misuse your data.

When you sign up for a specific newsletter, we (KARINE) add your email address to a corresponding mailing list. While it is there, we know that we can contact you by email regarding that topic.

You can always have your email address removed from our mailing lists. There are multiple ways to do it:

We may use a third-party email service (MailChimp and/or Mad Mimi) to send newsletters. Some members of our staff can view mailing lists with email addresses. That way they’ll be able to remove your email address from the mailing list, should you request us to do so.

Please note that mailing lists are independent from each other. If you decide not to receive newsletters at all, you’ll have to unsubscribe from all the mailing lists. Even if you do that, you’ll still receive account-related emails (such as order status notifications, password reset emails, and more). It is essential for operating an online store.

If you decide that you no longer want to use our store and would like to have your personal data removed from our database (or if you’d like to get all the personal data associated with your account that we have), please send an email to

If you believe that your personal data has been misused, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. We’re obliged by EU General Data Protection Regulation to let you know about this right; we don’t actually intend to misuse your data.