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Borsete din piele

Borsete barbatesti din piele naturala pentru barbatul modern

In video: Borsete barbatesti din piele naturala Tuscany leather, model Paul, diverse culori

Barbatul contemporan. Activ, agil, cu stil si mereu in miscare. Mereu ocupat. Intr-o mana telefonul, in celalta portofelul, cheile de la masina intr-un buzunar, cheile de la casa in altul. Unde sa mai puna cardurile de cumparaturi, de sala? Cel de al doilea telefon si cum isi mai foloseste mainile? Opreste lamentarea! Barbatul contemporan e practic, cu stil si alege borsete barbatesti din piele. Asa transporta toate lucrurile esentiale si evidentiaza autenticitatea proprie.

Borsete barbatesti din piele pentru barbatul actual

Poate aceasta introducere a fost neasteptata, dar e reala. Am creat aceasta categorie de borsete barbatesti care sa reprezinte barbatul actual, barbatul in miscare. Puternic, activ, cu stil si de incredere in sine. Este barbatul acestui mileniu, iar accesoriile din piele sunt menite sa fie o completare la modul sau de viata.

Astfel, pe va oferim o gama ampla de borsete barbatesti din piele de calitate superioara, intr-o varietate de modele care sa raspunda provocarii unui aspect real, autentic, masculin.

Modele si stil in materie de borsete din piele

Modelele de borsete barbatesti din piele din magazinul online sunt o reprezentare a tendintelor in materie de moda si, mai mult, un raspuns la nevoile barbatului antreprenor, freelancer, profesionist, cum ar fi borseta din piele naturala model Max. In gama noastra de produse, borsetele sunt mai mult decat accesorii, sunt raspuns la nevoia de miscare. De aceea gasesti la noi in site borsete care se prind pe talie sau pe umar, in egala masura vei gasi geanta tip borseta in care sa incapa toate documentele si gadgeturile de care el are nevoie.

Mai mult chiar. Barbatii au nevoie de prieteni de incredere si de lunga durata, iar borsetele barbatesti sunt astfel. Fabricate din piele de calitate superioara, in Italia, cu cusaturi si imbinari solide, borsetele sunt menite sa reziste. In plus, pot fi purtate oriunde fara sa faca rabat la stil. Ca o gluma, da, borsetele barbatesti din piele sunt printre prietenii cu care barbatii merg la bere cu incredere. Bine prinse, se intorc cu ele si acasa: borseta din piele model Mark. Gluma dezvaluie un fapt real: borsetele barbatesti Tuscany Leather au sisteme de prindere, fermoare si imbinari solide, care rezista. Acel prieten sigur in orice circumstanta.

Preturi competitive pentru borsete barbatesti din piele. 

Va oferim mai mult decat borsete din piele, va oferim accesorii pentru un stil de viata modern si agitat. Un mediu contemporan in care accesoriile din piele poarta rolul statutului social, borsetetele barbatesti sunt simbol al masculinitatii practice. De aceea, nu veti gasi la noi borsete barbatesti ieftine, ci la pret care poarta insemnul calitatii. Competitiv am spune, asa cum este barbatul modern. Totusi, poti urmari Outlet online Karine, unde avem in anumite perioade reduceri la genti si borsete barbatesti.

Care e urmatorul tau accesoriu din piele?

When you sign up for a specific newsletter, we (KARINE) add your email address to a corresponding mailing list. While it is there, we know that we can contact you by email regarding that topic.

You can always have your email address removed from our mailing lists. There are multiple ways to do it:

We may use a third-party email service (MailChimp and/or Mad Mimi) to send newsletters. Some members of our staff can view mailing lists with email addresses. That way they’ll be able to remove your email address from the mailing list, should you request us to do so.

Please note that mailing lists are independent from each other. If you decide not to receive newsletters at all, you’ll have to unsubscribe from all the mailing lists. Even if you do that, you’ll still receive account-related emails (such as order status notifications, password reset emails, and more). It is essential for operating an online store.

If you decide that you no longer want to use our store and would like to have your personal data removed from our database (or if you’d like to get all the personal data associated with your account that we have), please send an email to

If you believe that your personal data has been misused, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. We’re obliged by EU General Data Protection Regulation to let you know about this right; we don’t actually intend to misuse your data.

When you sign up for a specific newsletter, we (KARINE) add your email address to a corresponding mailing list. While it is there, we know that we can contact you by email regarding that topic.

You can always have your email address removed from our mailing lists. There are multiple ways to do it:

We may use a third-party email service (MailChimp and/or Mad Mimi) to send newsletters. Some members of our staff can view mailing lists with email addresses. That way they’ll be able to remove your email address from the mailing list, should you request us to do so.

Please note that mailing lists are independent from each other. If you decide not to receive newsletters at all, you’ll have to unsubscribe from all the mailing lists. Even if you do that, you’ll still receive account-related emails (such as order status notifications, password reset emails, and more). It is essential for operating an online store.

If you decide that you no longer want to use our store and would like to have your personal data removed from our database (or if you’d like to get all the personal data associated with your account that we have), please send an email to

If you believe that your personal data has been misused, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. We’re obliged by EU General Data Protection Regulation to let you know about this right; we don’t actually intend to misuse your data.